I was honoured to speak at a rally on May 12, 2018, for the right of return of Palestinians to their homeland, and in recognition of the Nakba. This is what I said:
Last week a bold Palestinian in Israel, Jamal Zahalka, reported that Israeli schoolchildren are being trained in school to fire paintball guns at cutout figures in Palestinian dress. “Psychological preparation to kill Arabs,” he said.

Children – who are naturally warm and loving – are taught to hate, and trained to kill Palestinians. This is Israel’s new low. Killing Arabs as a national sport! Killing for the game!
Israeli’s young men are sent to Gaza to fire real guns at unarmed Palestinians — including children — who rallied peacefully to celebrate their culture and affirm their right to their homeland. For THAT they are targeted and gunned down.
Such murderous, heartless, senseless killing! The world looks on in horror.
I am a survivor of Hitler’s holocaust. As a Jew, I was marked down for death. I was saved by solidarity – of individuals and an entire community.
Now I look at Israel’s brutal crimes and I ask: IS IT FOR THIS THAT WE SURVIVED?
When Nazism was smashed in 1945, we as Jews cried out: Never again! Never again for all humanity!
Yet now, as Israel carries out yet another murder campaign, Canada, the U.S., and their allies are silent. We tell Justin Trudeau: speak out for all humanity! End the killing!
Elizabeth May of the Greens calls this “a systematic plan to murder unarmed civilians.” Jagmeet Singh of the NDP says “the killing and blockade must end.” They speak for all Canada.
People in bondage have the right to defend themselves every which way and as best they can. They actions seek freedom! Freedom or death, they say.
But we, WE must speak out too! Boycott Israeli apartheid!
Today we pledge to redouble our campaign until Palestine is free! Our only course of action: Boycott divestment sanctions!