No War on Iran

End Canada’s Sanctions; Restore Diplomatic Relations

Suzanne Weiss was one of the speakers at a anti war rally Saturday, 25, 2020. She is a member of Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) and a longtime Palestine solidarity activist.

Image may contain: 2 people, people sittingPresident Trump and his government are threatening war against Iran!

Most Canadians polled are against this war.

No war against Iran!

Trump is trying to strangle and starve Iran through crippling sanctions.

These sanctions aim to starve the Iranian people and bring them to their knees.

No sanctions on Iran!

Image may contain: 10 people, crowd and outdoor

Forty years ago, the Iranian people rose up in a great revolution and asserted their national sovereignty against U.S. domination. Washington has never forgiven them for that. Canada should respect Iran’s sovereignty.

Trump wants Canada to be his puppet. He wants Ottawa to dance to his tune. Canada should break openly with Trump’s war policy. Against Trump’s war and against his sanctions!

Canada should restore diplomatic relations with Iran and respect its right to self-determination. We should support the Iranian people’s right to choose their government in their own way.

Trump and his government want to plunder Iran. They want the oil! Trump wants to make Iran a satellite of the U.S. Iran has the right to defend itself against threats, whether from the U.S., Israel, or Saudi Arabia.

I was born in war-torn France during the Second World War. I know what war is and how it destroys communities, their homes, schools, and society’s institutions. I’ve gone back to France to visit and I can tell you people still feel the wounds of war.

So too do many people in Canada. Many have come from countries devastated by war.

Canadians want no war with Iran.

Canada must not walk in step with President Trump and his government. We do not want the Iranian people to suffer.

End the sanctions.

No war against Iran.