Socialism Is a Democratic Transformation

By Suzanne Weiss

This zoom talk was given in a panel organized by Socialist Action Canada in October 2020. It focuses on the defense and expansion of democratic rights of fighters for a new society representing their human needs.

Sixty-one years ago, I learned how a socialist transformation would be possible in the heart of the beast, the USA.

I learned from socialists who had met Lenin and Trotsky in Moscow, who knew the Russian Revolution first-hand: Jim Cannon, Rose Karsner, Arne Swabeck, and others, members of my local branch in Los Angeles. They drew on ideas in the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels and the History of the Russian Revolution by Trotsky.  

They published their view of revolutionary strategy in a book called Socialism on Trial, which was our socialist recruitment handbook at the time and is now on line.It’s a transcript of a famous court case which should to be read and studied today, especially in the climate of growing mass social movements.

In 1941 Cannon and seventeen other socialists were arrested and charged with conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government by force and violence. — That’s the eternal slander of the political police against socialists, then and now.

Continue reading Socialism Is a Democratic Transformation

Sid Ryan’s Vision: Linking Unions to Social Movements

Review: A Grander Vison: My Life in the Labour Movement, by Sid Ryan, Toronto: Dundurn, 2019, 310 pp., $24.99 (ebook $12.99).

A review by Suzanne Weiss: It is rare to find a labour leader who not only speaks on the union’s behalf but acts in the interests of us all, on both local and global issues, with honesty, firmness, and determination. Sid’s memoir of his life in the labour movement is a fast-moving narrative of exciting events that affected the wellbeing of all working people.

His story is brimming with the excitement of union life in his native Ireland, in Ontario, and on the world stage. His moving portrayal of early life in Dublin and Belfast shows how his character was in part shaped by engagement in Ireland’s struggle against colonialism – a theme that resounds in his later activities in Canada.

First elected to leadership positions as a member of CUPE Ontario, Sid prevailed on unwilling bosses to grant esteem and protection to rank-and-file workers, displaying the loyalty to social justice that he learned from his father. Sid understood the central issue of union life: membership unity against the bosses and respect for members as contributors to changing and bettering their own conditions.

Sid’s fifth chapter, entitled, “At Home in the World,” speaks to my heart. It was in this arena that I came to know him. For Sid, “The labour movement has always had an international dimension: the injustices and inequities that unrestrained capitalism visits on workers in one country typically have analogues abroad.”

Sid believes the labour movement must not be narrow, parochial, or restricted to local issues. It is part of the world struggle for social justice. The unions must be a reflection of the social movements that fight so hard for the rights we prize as unionists.

The situation in Israel/Palestine drew Sid’s attention as a lifelong enemy of colonialism. He was in Israel when Ariel Sharon, leader of the right-wing Likud Party “gave the green light to the building a four-hundred-mile barrier wall that would separate the West Bank from Israel and, in the process, cut deeply into prime Palestinian land.” The International Court of Justice was quoted to say that the barriers’ construction was  “tantamount to annexation and impeded the Palestinian right to self- determination,” Sid states.

In 2006, five members of CUPE Ontario appealed to Sid to join them in the convention that year to support resolution 50, calling on CUPE Ontario to join the international campaign of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) to hasten the end of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands. The resolution was proposed by my friends, Katherine Nastovski, Adam Hanieh, Ali Mallah, Rafeef Ziadah, and David Kidd. Reading Sid’s account renewed my pride in having worked with these solidarity activists.

As a retired unionist, I was active in the emerging social movement in Toronto in support of Palestinian self-determination. I heard Sid describe the events at the CUPE convention that year at a forum during Israel Apartheid Week, where he recounted the whole episode. All us of there burst with joy as he reported the vigorous near-unanimous stance of 900 delegates to the CUPE Ontario convention representing 220,000 members. Sid explained how the resolution would break new ground both for the union and the BDS campaign worldwide.

Sid was well aware that he would take the brunt of denunciations from right-wing quarters of labour, and government for this bold stand. But to social activists Sid is a labour hero and an example.

Sid Ryan calls for the adoption of “social movement unionism, in which labour forges an alliance with other progressive elements in civil society, taking up the cause of young people, precarious workers, and immigrants.” A Grander Vision explains how this concept has been applied, and it is truly one to inspire us all.

Six three-minute speeches …

I’ve learned to make concise and cogent speeches in the three minutes appropriate for rallies and meetings. Of the several dozen “three-minute” talks I have on file, here are six examples.

Against Islamophobia and white supremacy

The video version of this speech made a  rally against Islamophobia and white supremacy went viral and received over 26,000 views as of this posting.

I speak today as a survivor of the Jewish Holocaust. Nazism took the lives of most of my family and six million my Jewish community. I and so many other Holocaust survivors are here only because of people united to protect us.

What is anti Semitism? It is simply the hatred of Jewish people. Amazingly, Donald Trump honoured the Holocaust by omitting, and in essence denying history. He forgot to mention that that six million Jews were murdered in the attempt to eliminate the whole Jewish people. It’s amazing that we heard no one object to this omission, and we especially did not hear a peep from Israel who prides itself on building a Jewish state. Continue reading Six three-minute speeches …

John Riddell’s achievement is a team effort

I made the following comments to a celebration of John Riddell’s multi-volume series of books on the history of the world revolutionary movement. The meeting, attended by 120 people, took place on March 3, 2013. We were marking the publishing of John’s book on the Communist International’s Fourth World Congress, Toward the United Front. Here is what I said:

John’s books show that the Comintern was led by many persons, a team. And John himself is a team person. That was his approach from his youth, and it is how he organized his Comintern publishing.

Look at his latest volume: he thanks sixty-two people in fourteen countries. Continue reading John Riddell’s achievement is a team effort

Toronto rally welcomes ‘Toward the United Front’

17 February 2013 – by Sarah Berliner. Toward the United Front, John Riddell’s edition of the Communist International’s Fourth Congress, is “an outstanding achievement in the recuperation of pivotal historical experiences for the revolutionary left of today and the future,” Marxist author David McNally told an enthusiastic gathering of 120 people in Toronto, March 3.

The Fourth Congress proceedings, 1,300 pages long, make up the seventh installment in a series of documentary volumes edited by Riddell, which present a record of the world revolutionary movement in Lenin’s time. The soft-cover edition has just been published by Haymarket Books.

Riddell explained the purpose, character, and present stage of this project in the main presentation, which is published separately as “Translations for the Twenty-First Century.” Continue reading Toronto rally welcomes ‘Toward the United Front’

Venezuela Responds to World Food Crisis

Programs provide land, aid to working farmers

By John Riddell and Suzanne Weiss

Suzanne and John are members of the Venezuela We Are With You Coalition. The following are major portions of a presentation they made to members of the National Farmers Union in Grey County, Ontario, March 10, 2007.

The people of Venezuela are today campaigning to rebuild a devastated family farm economy. They have more problems than solutions, but still are making significant progress.

Venezuela is an oil-rich country. But that doesn’t mean that Venezuelans are rich: in poor countries, oil brings misfortune. The so-called free market ensured that oil exports were balanced by a flood of cheap imports that stunted Venezuelan manufacturing and devastated its agriculture. Continue reading Venezuela Responds to World Food Crisis

Time for Labour to Act in Defense of Medical Care

Supreme Court Decision Opens the Door to Deeper Attacks

29 June 2005 – The Supreme Court of Canada’s June 9 decision overruling the Quebec government’s ban of private health insurance for services covered by the public health care system is a significant move toward a two-tier medical system, with inferior care for working people and high-cost, higher quality care for the rich. The decision, adopted by a 4-3 majority, is another step in a lengthy government offensive to reduce social benefits for working people and give greater tax and other fiscal benefits to the wealthy class. Continue reading Time for Labour to Act in Defense of Medical Care