Against Islamophobia and white supremacy

The video version of this speech made a  rally against Islamophobia and white supremacy went viral and received over 26,000 views as of this posting.

I speak today as a survivor of the Jewish Holocaust. Nazism took the lives of most of my family and six million my Jewish community. I and so many other Holocaust survivors are here only because of people united to protect us.

What is anti Semitism? It is simply the hatred of Jewish people. Amazingly, Donald Trump honoured the Holocaust by omitting, and in essence denying history. He forgot to mention that that six million Jews were murdered in the attempt to eliminate the whole Jewish people. It’s amazing that we heard no one object to this omission, and we especially did not hear a peep from Israel who prides itself on building a Jewish state.
What is Islamophobia? It is the hatred of people who believe in the Islamic religion.

There is no rational reason to hate — why? Because people have different concepts of the almighty? Because people have different ways of preparing food? Because people wear different clothing? What kind of idiocy is this?

We need to stand united and welcome refugees whether they be Syrian, Palestinian, or Iraqi and especially those who have been targeted by the U.S., bombarded, murdered, and robbed of the right to their basic needs to survive because they are Islamic.

People in the Middle Eastern countries that Donald Trump has named as untouchables are Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Iran. Among these countries which have been torn asunder, bombed, and mass murdered, the U.S. has not dared to touch Iran which stands for their own sovereignty.

What is the lesson of Hitler’s Holocaust? It is that we must defend every people victimized by racist oppression and genocide. We came out of the Holocaust and swore Never Again. By that we mean never again for humanity. We are against the hatred and oppression of all those who suffer as a result of occupation and as a result of war imposed on their society.

We in Canada have been shielded from war and bombs. We’ve been lucky. But we are part of humanity and we have an obligation as a nation to be united to help everyone survive and live well. We all need food, water, and shelter.

We thank the indigenous nations for their courageous defence of their land. We all are proud of our ancestry which has made Canada a rainbow of nations. Islamic, Christians, Jews, and the myriad of other faiths make Canada great.

Let us say it and mean it: Never again means for everyone.

To an anti-white supremacy rally – Feb. 4, 2017